
Island Wellness Diaries: Meditation

11 May, 2020

So you’re interested in meditation? Congratulations! This will be one of the most simple yet powerful changes you can make for your mental health and overall wellbeing. Meditation is used by many spiritual practices as a way to quiet the endless chatter of the mind and find internal peace and happiness.

There’s a famous quote by Lao Tzu:

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.”

Meditation is all about bringing your mind back to the present moment and setting aside any feelings of anxiety or stress to quiet the mind and connect with our true nature.

Meditation is not always easy. Some days the mind will have more chatter than others. But to be perfectly honest, these are the days when we potentially need it the most. I would suggest beginning your meditation journey with guided meditations which are a great entry point into meditation without just jumping right into the deep end. Something that I wish someone had told me when I started meditating is that having thoughts is perfectly okay, you will never stop those. Your goal is not to stop thinking but simply to acknowledge the thoughts and then create some distance between yourself and the thoughts by focusing back into your breath.

As I mentioned in the previous blog, when we begin a new habit we always need to find our ‘why’. These reasons will help remind you when things get tough of all the benefits to help you persevere on your journey.

Benefits of Meditation

Banner on Benefits of Mediation

Even if its only 5 minutes of concentration on the present moment and your breath, you are still beginning to reap all the benefits above. You really have nothing to lose – except anxiety, stress, worries and sadness. But who likes those guys anyway?

If you’re looking for some meditation inspiration I have created a few more free guided videos on my Instagram page to get you started. Some other incredible teachers I can recommend are Ticht Nacht Han, Mooji baba, and Deepak Chopra.

Enjoy the journey!


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Courtney is an internationally accredited 500 hour yoga teacher with a background in nutrition, health and wellness. Her passion is to help people slow down, reconnect, go within to experience life to their fullest potential. She is our resident yoga teacher at Kandooma and travel/wellness blogger. Contact or follow her journey on Instagram @theholistic_yogi or check out her holistic health and wellness retreats at

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